The city worked with Urban Systems to engage the community to determine what the future of the Garry Theatre would look like. We thank everyone who participated and shared their thoughts for potential future uses. After extensive engagement and research, the Garry Theatre Business Plan was created and adopted by Selkirk Council.
What's Been Done?
- The City of Selkirk engaged citizens on the future of the Garry Theatre through public open houses, surveys, and community meetings to gather important input and feedback.
- After extensive engagement followed by research throughout other Canadian cities with closed or converted single-screen theatres, the Business Plan was created.
- Building assessments were conducted to evaluate the buildings structural integrity, identify potential safety and accessibility issues, and to ensure compliance with current codes and standards in order to re-open the theatre.
- Collaborated with engineers on the detailed designs to ensure the renovation meets structural, safety and accessibility needs and remains within the project’s budget.
- Received funding to enable the creation of the business plan, designs and renovations in order to re-open the theatre.
- Building Sustainable Community Grant to develop a comprehensive business plan – $35,000.00
- Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund for the detailed design and renovation of the Garry Theatre – $562,500.00 (matching grant)
Where are we at Now?
- Finalize the engineered construction drawings for project tendering.
- Undertake the legal documentation to establish the new non-profit corporation.
- Share the advancements with the community who has helped us get to this point in the re-opening of the Garry Theatre.

What's Next for the Garry?
The Garry Theatre will be receiving several accessibility upgrades and renovations:
- Accessible entryway
- Wheelchair lift to access the theatre
- Dedicated wheelchair seating area
- Renovated, accessible washrooms
- New flooring and seating
- Roof repairs
- HVAC system replacement
- Electrical system replacement
- Aesthetic improvements
As per the business plan:
- The Garry Theatre will be established as an independent, community-led, non-profit organization.
- A new board of directors will be established and a theatre manager will be hired.
- Capital fundraising campaigns will be initiated.
- Capacity will aim to accommodate just over 250 people.
- The Garry Theatre will re-open primarily as a movie theatre, with additional opportunities for private rentals and live performances.
- Private rental offerings will be expanded on in the future to bring in additional revenue.

What's the timeline?
- The Tender for the work listed above will be issued late in November
- Contractor selection is set for January 2025
- Renovations to begin shortly after
- Projected theatre re-opening date: late 2025

Further Information
Read the history of the Garry Theatre on the Selkirk Museum!
Landmark Cinemas decided to permanently close the Garry Theatre in downtown Selkirk – along with three other single-screen theatres in Manitoba – knowing how important the theatre was to so many that had grown up watching movies in the Manitoba Ave. mainstay, the city decided to purchase it in order to secure the space to have an independent, community-led, non-profit corporation run it again in the future!
The City purchased the Garry to ensure that the future of the theatre aligned with the community’s vision.
In 2014, the City of Selkirk completed its Community Strategic Plan, which includes five key strategic priorities. The Plan calls for the creation of a vibrant, safe, and healthy community where residents have access to the best possible recreational opportunities, a revitalized downtown and are engaged in shaping the city’s future. Two years later, in 2016, the City finalized its Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy. The strategy aims to create a vibrant, safe and attractive downtown where people can live, work, shop and play. As part of this, the strategy emphasized the importance of capitalizing on the City’s historical buildings and revitalizing Manitoba Avenue East which started in 2018.
Based on these plans, the City has made major investments in improving the public realm along Manitoba Avenue East. Between 2019 and 2020, the City reconstructed the street to make it more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. Changes included enhancing active transportation facilities and lighting, bringing the road up to modern standards for accessibility, adding street trees, benches and planters. Other improvements included developing two pocket parks with public seating, art, a public ping pong table, community healing garden, converting one-way traffic to two-way traffic, and changing angled parking to parallel parking. The reinvention of the Garry as a community-led space will build on this important work and help in the revitalization of Selkirk’s downtown.
As part of the development of the business plan, the City along with Urban Systems is exploring case studies of other community theatres across the country for inspiration.
These include small, community-run theatres in small cities and towns like the Country Fest Community Cinema in Dauphin, the Strand Theatre in Melita, and the Boissevain-Morton Community Theatre in Boissevain. The case studies also include community-run and private theatres in larger cities like the Gas Station and Park Theatres in Winnipeg, the Westdale Theatre in Hamilton, the Gladstone Theatre in Ottawa, the Theatre Centre in Toronto, the Varscona Theatre in Edmonton, and the Rio Theatre in Vancouver.
Many of these theatres host a range of events and performances. These include classic movies, live theatre and music, dance performances, and live-streamed events like sports games and opera shows. Some examples, like the Park Theatre in Winnipeg and Bus Stop Theatre in Halifax are ‘black box’ theatres with adjustable furniture. This furniture allows the theatres to be reconfigured to host various private events like meetings, workshops, classes, art exhibits, and even socials and weddings! Some theatres are also supported by licensed bars and coffee shops.
with this research, the business plan was created.
People were encouraged to share their visions and ideas through a survey and by attending open houses in November of 2022.
We took the results of that survey along with extensive research and the help or Urban Systems and the business plan was born.
the second round of engagement is available in August of 2023 for us to understand the willingness of the community to support the theatre based on what the business plan suggests is necessary for the theatre to re-open and remain open.
View the results of both surveys below