The City of Selkirk continues to procedurally prepare for anticipated high water levels.
To date, the dykes at Selkirk Park, specifically the boat launch and canoe club have been completed with temporary infill joining our permanent dykes. Equipment such as high volume pumps, have been pre-positioned so it may be utilized in short order should that be required.
There are a number of other steps taking place in respect to water intakes and valve shutoffs to ensure back flows are prevented.
Selkirk has an established mitigation strategy to follow dependent on water levels and will take the required steps as necessary. The processes that we have in place are believed to be more than sufficient to manage upcoming water levels.
It is anticipated that the temporary dykes will be constructed at the waterfront and on Dufferin within the next few days. These factors are dependant upon flows and can change quickly for a variety of reasons.
The Manitoba Emergency Coordination Centre has started operations and are in daily contact with Municipal Emergency Coordinators including Selkirk.