There are signs everywhere that Manitobans are getting their shots and that we’re on our way to a healthier province and – fingers crossed – a good summer vacation.
First of all, there are the green stickers folks are wearing when they leave Selkirk’s vaccination super site declaring they are doing their part to keep us all healthy and they’ve got their shot.
But the biggest signs of all are located in Queen’s Park and they celebrate kicking COVID’s butt and how our young people are doing their part too!
“We want everyone to join us in the fight against COVID,” says Vanessa Figus. Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the city.
“We want local businesses to be able to open, we want citizens to be able to enjoy summer, we want people to come visit the Marine Museum and take a dip in our pool and plan family picnics in our park. Vaccination is the path to a good summer vacation.”
Show your support for healthcare workers
We’re calling all Super Heros to the park to take their photo in the Selkirk Super Heros or the Selkirk Covid Taskforce interactive signs and show your support for all health care and front line workers who’ve gone above and beyond throughout the pandemic.
Selkirk Mayor Larry Johannson said getting through this virus takes the effort of the whole community, not just those working tirelessly on the front lines.
“We owe it to the health care workers and front line workers who’ve played such a big role in battling this virus and making sure we could all get milk and eggs,” Johannson said.
“But we owe it to ourselves and we want to get back to the tight-knit community we once were. Kids want to go back to school in September and parents want daycares to open to full capacity so they can go back to work. Come on Selkirk, we can do this”
The signs let you put your head through the hole and become a Super Hero or a member of the Covid Taskforce, fighting off the Coronavirus and quashing germs by wearing a mask and washing your hands. Chuck the Channel Cat is there doing his part too.
Head down to Queen’s Park, snap a pic of you and your friends or family with the Super Heros and the first 25 to tag the City of Selkirk – (@cityofselkirk) on Facebook or Instagram will get prizes, ranging from passes to the Marine Museum, boat launch, pool, T-shirts, soccer balls, hats and more.
Stay safe, get vaccinated and let’s do our part make our nation healthy again.