Public notice regarding the removal of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) infected trees
Please be advised that the annual removal of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) infected trees in the City of Selkirk will begin early in the new year. As part of the…
Please be advised that the annual removal of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) infected trees in the City of Selkirk will begin early in the new year. As part of the…
Selkirk is one of 11 communities selected to participate in the Government of Manitoba’s Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Pilot Project. As such, the city will be developing and implementing…
The City of Selkirk is taking advantage of the Province of Manitoba’s Restart funding to install sewer and water that will service future development in the second phase of the…
Manitoba’s Chief Public Health Officer announced today that the entire province of Manitoba will be moving to the Restricted Level Red of Manitoba’s Pandemic Response System commencing Thursday, November 12th…
Main Street North is in need of an upgrade. Both on the surface, and underneath the ground. While the street is actually a provincial highway and the responsibility of the…