Budget 2020 – A Story of Sustainable Growth, Strategic Investment and Affordability
At the start of a new year it’s nice to begin with good news and in the City of Selkirk, there’s plenty of that. The City of Selkirk has once…
At the start of a new year it’s nice to begin with good news and in the City of Selkirk, there’s plenty of that. The City of Selkirk has once…
It’s the time of year when people look back and reflect on the year that’s passed. If we cast that backwards glance at the City of Selkirk for 2019, we…
The leaves may be showing their fall colours now, but before they turned, a steady flow of rainfall put an emphasis on all things green, effectively turning up the colour…
Len Bacon regularly partakes in the City of Selkirk’s Walk and Jog program at the Rec Complex, and though the 78-year-old is hesitant to say he goes everyday, when the…
The City of Selkirk cracked Maclean’s magazine’s Top 100 list of fastest growing communities in Canada, a reality that’s not lost on Mayor Larry Johannson. “It’s nice to see Selkirk…