The Board of Revision is a “quasi-judicial” body appointed by Council. The Board provides a fair unbiased hearing to listen to evidence provided by parties with an interest in a property, or the assessor, that would like to appeal:

  • the amount of an assessed value
  • the liability to taxation
  • property classification
  • or if after speaking to an assessor; there is a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under subsection 13(2)

Application for Revision

You can apply to the Board of Revision:

  • If you are a person in whose name the property has been assessed
  • Mortgagee in possession of property under subsection 114(1) of The Real Property Act
  • Occupier of premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the property
  • Authorized agent of the person, mortgagee or occupier

You may appeal the 2025 assessments and supplementary tax assessments issued in 2024 if you do not agree with your assessment.

If you are listed above, or if you are the assessor, you may complete the City of Selkirk Board of Revision Application and indicate your reason for appeal.

Application Requirements

Applications including the appropriate (non-refundable) application fee must be received by the City of Selkirk, before 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 200 Eaton Avenue, Selkirk, MB R1A 0W6. Applications without the correct payment amount, or not in compliance with Section 43(1), shall not be considered received.

You may find more information regarding the required fee on our Fees and Charges page.

Public Notice – Board of Revision

Public Notice of the 2024 Board of Revision will be published by October 8, 2024, in the Selkirk Record.

Board of Revision

The Board of Revision will sit on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Selkirk Recreation Complex Banquet Hall located at 180 Easton Drive, Selkirk, Manitoba.

How to Prepare for Board of Revision

  • Submit your Board of Revision Application, with payment, by the deadline of 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 22, 2024
  • Have your evidence ready
  • Be prepared to present your grounds for appeal to the Board
  • Show up on time, late arrivals could result in your appeal being dismissed

Members of Board of Revision

The Board of Revision is determined each year by Council through resolution. Members can be:

  • Any or all Councillors or private citizens
  • Panel must have at least 3 members, one of whom is appointed by Council as Chairperson
  • Must also have a Secretary who is not a Board of Revision member

Frequently asked questions:

  • Can I appeal my taxes? Taxes cannot be appealed but assessments can.
  • How can I appeal my assessment? Assessments can be appealed through the Provincial Assessment Branch located at 103 – 235 Eaton Avenue or by phone at (204) 785-5092. If you do not agree with your assessment, even after talking to an assessor, you may apply for a revision of the assessment to the Board of Revision.
  • What can I appeal? You can only appeal the amount of the assessed value, whether your property is put in the correct property class, or whether your property should be exempt from school taxes or exempt from both municipal and school taxes.  Before applying to the Board of Revision  you should discuss the value of your property with an assessor, review the assessor’s information about your property and review information about comparable properties with the assessor.
  • When can I appeal my assessment? Application form including the appropriate (non-refundable) application fee must be submitted and received by the City of Selkirk before 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
  • Who can attend the Board of Revision? The appellant or representative.
  • Can I attend the Board of Revision on behalf of the property owner? The property owner is required to attend unless they have a representative. A Letter of Authorization is required who will be attending in their place.
  • If my appeal results in a decrease in assessment value do I receive a credit? If the decrease results in a credit balance on your tax account you can request a refund by completing and signing the Refund of Overpayment Form . You can mail or drop off the Refund of Overpayment Form to the City of Selkirk Civic Office, 200 Eaton Avenue, Selkirk, MB, R1A 0W6. A cheque will then be issued within 2 weeks of receipt of the form. 
  • Do I still need to pay my taxes if I am appealing my assessment? Yes. Regardless of appealing the assessment, the taxes must still be paid on or before the due date to avoid penalties. Taxes are the ratepayer’s responsibility to ensure they are paid once issued. The next assessment period will be in 2025 and is done by the Provincial Assessment Branch every 2 years.
  • What does it mean if my appeal is dismissed?
    • If you failed to appear for the Board of Revision Hearing and your appeal is dismissed by the Board you cannot proceed to appeal to the Manitoba Municipal Board. 
    • After the Board of Revision Hearing the decision is mailed to appellants. If the appellant wishes to appeal to the Municipal Board they must do so within 21 day of the receiving the Board of Revision’s decision (Notice of Appeal).
    • If the appeal through the Municipal Board is dismissed the appellant can appeal directly to the Court of King’s Bench within 21 days of the Board of Revision mailing its decision when the liability of the property to taxation is questioned.
    • Decisions of the Municipal Board and Court of King’s Bench may be appealed to the Court of Appeal on questions of law, or on jurisdiction of the Municipal Board or the Court of King’s Bench. Court of Appeal decisions are final.
  • I missed the Board of Revision; can I still appeal my assessment? No. If the Board of Revision is missed there is no further opportunity to appeal an assessment. Also if you arrive late for the hearing and the Board has already dismissed your appeal due to no representation, you will not be given another opportunity to appeal your assessment.

If you have any questions, please call CitizenSupport at 204-785-4900 or by email: [email protected].