In 2022, Selkirk made the bold move to bring planning and building permitting in-house. Our planning division is delivering on the enhanced quality and speed of service that was envisioned and will now begin work on updating the City’s Development Plan.
The Development Plan is required by the Province under provincial legislation and must align with provincial guidelines on land use. The Plan will set out land use and development standards, guiding the growth and evolution of the City.
Help Shape the Future of Selkirk
We want to hear from you! It is important that we hear from all members of our community about their thoughts on what kind of community we want Selkirk to be and what actions we must take to become the community we aspire to be.
Join us at one of the public open houses
Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Public Open Houses. The come-and-go events were held at the Garry Theatre, 225 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk, MB:
- Friday, November 15, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- Saturday, November 16, 2024, 12:00 – 3:00 pm
If you were unable to attend, you can view the presentation materials by clicking here.
Share your thoughts through the survey
Thank you to everyone who completed our online or paper survey. The survey closed on December 3, 2024. We are grateful for your time and input.
Will survey answers be kept confidential and how will it be used?
All personal information collected is confidential, held by Question Pro. Information is used only for grouped statistical analysis. Rest assured that this will only be used for the following purposes:
- To better understand survey results and trends.
- To hep improve services, programs, and initiatives.
- To make data-driven decisions that benefit our community.
Where Can I Find Survey Results?
When the survey results are available to the public – you will able to find the results on the city’s CitizenVoice page, where all available surveys and history are listed: https://www.myselkirk.ca/citizenvoice
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a Development Plan?
A Development Plan is a provincially required document that all municipalities in Manitoba must review every five years. The plan sets out land use and development standards which must generally align with the Provincial Land Use Policies, guiding the growth and evolution of the City. Development Plans must be approved by the Province and are administered by local governments like the City of Selkirk.
Why Does the City of Selkirk have a Development Plan?
Provincial legislation, The Planning Act, requires municipalities in Manitoba to adopt and maintain a development plan.
Why is the Development Plan being updated?
Under provincial legislation, the City must review and update its Development Plan before the end of 2025. Beyond the requirement to review development plans, there are additional reasons for this review and update:
- Tailoring the development plan, which served a larger region, to Selkirk.
- Creating a better alignment with the City’s Strategic Plan to ensure we’re building a community that reflects our long-term priorities.
- Making sure our development policies meet current local and provincial rules and standards.
- Creating clear and consistent policies for managing development across the City.
How Far Along is the Process?
The project is just getting started. It officially kicked off in Spring 2024 when the City hired a planning firm, Scatliff + Miller + Murray (SMM), based in Winnipeg to lead the review and update.
How can I get Involved?
To get involved and share your input in shaping the Development Plan, the City hosted two open houses and launched an online survey. The survey and open house events have now concluded, and we greatly appreciate the feedback provided by everyone who participated.
How will my input be considered?
The Project Team will review and analyze all comments and feedback received from community members and meaningful contributions will be integrated into the plan.
What changes can we expect in the updated Development Plan?
At this stage, we don’t anticipate major changes to the City’s Development Plan. Instead, we’re aiming for a refresh that ensures the Plan’s policies align with the City’s vision and long-term objectives as outlined in our Strategic Plan.
What are the timelines for the update?
The Development Plan began with the project launch in Spring 2024. This was followed by a visioning and priorities phase in Fall 2024, where we asked for input from residents, community groups, service providers, business owners, and visitors. The update to the plan itself will take place through Winter 2025.
Who approves the Development Plan?
The Development Plan will be adopted as a by-law by the Council of the City of Selkirk. However, it also requires approval from the Minister of Manitoba Municipal and Northern Relations to ensure it meets provincial standards and regulations.
What happens once the Development Plan is adopted as a by-law?
Once the Development Plan is adopted as a by-law, land use and development decisions will need to be generally consistent with the plan’s policies.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions, you can find the answers by reaching out to our CitizenSupport Representatives via phone at 204-785-4900 or via email at [email protected].