When is a permit needed?
The following signs require permits in the City of Selkirk:
- Free standing signs,
- Mobile signs,
- Fascia signs,
- Illuminated signs.
When is a permit not needed?
- Directional and convenience of the public including signs that identify rest rooms, designated smoking or non-smoking areas, designated or non-designated parking areas, rules governing the use of a parking lot, parking lot directional signs, parking lot entrance and exit signs (limit of 1 each), or warning signs,
each not exceeding 0.56 m2 (6 ft.2) in area and a maximum of 2 m (6.5 ft.) in height above curb or grade; - Real estate signs are permitted one per lot (i.e. for sale or lease sign);
- Flags or emblems of political, civic, educational, or religious organization;
- “No Trespassing” or “Private Property”, or similar content for the purposes of indicating that public access is not permitted, and do not exceed 0.28 sq. m. (3 sq. ft.( in area;
- Historical plaques or markers authorized by Council including non-advertising memorial signs, commemorative signs, and corner stones, either built in or attached to a building or structure;
- Bulletin Boards not exceeding 5.48 sq. m. (18 sq. ft.) in area
General Sign Provisions
- No signs shall have flashing elements, beams or rotating beams in connection with any sign displays.
- No signs are permitted on City property without written permission from the City.
- All signs located within the Provincial Trunk Highway must first receive a Manitoba Highways permit prior to applying for a sign permit at the City.
- Signs shall be set back a minimum of 0.6 m (2 ft.) from property lines.
- Permanent free standing signs shall not be permitted on Manitoba Ave. between Main Street and Eveline St.
For more information see Section 3.27.2 of the Zoning By-Law
Freestanding Sign Regulations
- There shall be a limit of one freestanding sign per zoning site;
- Apply the maximum size for one (1) sign where a freestanding sign straddles or represents more than one zoning site.
- Set any freestanding sign back from each site line a minimum of 0.61 m (2 ft.) clear of any projections.
- Illuminate any freestanding advertising billboard sign with a renewable energy source, and do not connect it to a separate power source (e.g., power generator, electrical outlet).
- Construct permanent freestanding signs within the “D/W Downtown Waterfront” Overlay Zone with a stone base or heavy timber framing.
For more information see Section of the Zoning By-Law
Menu Board Sign Regulations
- There shall be a limit of two (2) freestanding menu boards per zoning site; and
- Any freestanding menu board(s) shall be located to serve a drive thru lane only and not be oriented towards a right-of-way for the purposes of advertising, identification, or business signage.
For more information see Section of the Zoning By-Law
Electric Message Centre Regulations
- Allow only one electronic message center sign per zoning site.
- Permit electronic message center signs only in Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional zones.
- Do not permit electronic message center signs in Residential Zones.
- Prohibit electronic message center signs within the downtown, as defined in Section 10.6 Downtown Sign Standards.
- Do not allow electronic signs in a Commercial or Industrial Zone site along a site line to a Residential use or on a wall overlooking such a site line. Install these signs so that any illumination does not project onto surrounding residential areas.
- Do not permit electronic message center signs on mobile signs.
- Permit only static images on electronic message center signs; do not allow live video, animated images, or audio projection.
- Do not allow electronic message center signs to display graphics that imitate or resemble any traffic control device or emergency light.
- Equip all electronic message center signs with automatic dimming controls that adjust the sign’s brightness to no more than 0.3 foot candles in direct correlation with ambient light conditions.
- Shall be have a minimum dwell time of 6 seconds for any image;
- Shall have a maximum transition time of 0.25 seconds between images; and
- Shall not display third party advertising, other than non-profit community events.
For more information see Section of the Zoning By-Law
Mobile Sign Regulations
- Mobile signs are permitted in all zones as per Use Table 8;
- The maximum sign surface for a mobile sign shall be 4.65 m2 (50 ft.2);
- The Use Table 8 permits mobile signs in all zones.
- The maximum sign surface for a mobile sign is 4.65 m² (50 ft²).
- Do not use mobile signs as permanent signage.
- A mobile sign may remain on a site for a maximum of 90 consecutive days. After this period, remove the sign or seek a one-time 90-day extension. We may consider additional extensions on a case-by-case basis, with the discretion and written authorization of the Designated Officer of the City.
- Place mobile signs on adjacent sites at least 19.81 m (65 ft.) apart, measured along the street right-of-way, unless site frontage or other restrictions in this By-law prevent this. In such cases, separate the signs as far as reasonably possible.
- Keep a mobile sign within the zoning lot where it is located, ensuring it does not encroach within any right-of-way.
- Do not place a mobile sign within 3.05 m (10 ft.) of any exit or entrance driveway providing access to a lot.
- Prohibit electronic message center signs on mobile signs; and
- No property owner may erect more than one (1) mobile sign per tenant on a zoning site. The maximum number of mobile signs on any zoning site at any one time may not exceed two (2), regardless of the number of individual tenants located on that zoning.
For more information see Section of the Zoning By-Law
Zoning By-Law – Section 3.27
Click here for Fees and Sign Permit Application Form