Community planning is the long-term vision, goals, policies and strategies for achieving social, economic and environmental sustainability within a community in order to guide future community development.

West End Concept Plan
The overall vision for the West End is to signal the future direction of Selkirk’s urban development, through the creation of a new mixed-use village, surrounding neighbourhoods, and connected open space system. The aim is to create a dynamic place for current and future Selkirk residents that offers a full spectrum of experiences available within a complete and sustainable community.

Downtown Renewal Strategy
A vibrant, safe, accessible and attractive downtown where people can live, work, shop and play is one of the key factors that is playing an important role in the success of Selkirk. The downtown has already begun to see significant changes with investments in infrastructure, residential multi-family developments and local businesses.

Development Plan
Our development plan is a by-law that outlines the long term vision and goals of our community and is used to guide development within the planning area of a municipality or planning district.