
The goal of our By-Law Enforcement Officers is to assist residents in adhering to the City’s by-laws, including property maintenance, to prevent penalties through education and collaboration. Should you have inquiries not addressed by the posted By-Laws and information, we encourage you to submit a CitizenSupport ticket for further assistance.

First Priority

The first priority under the City of Selkirk Strategic Plan is to create a vibrant, safe and healthy community. The well-being, quality of life and community pride of the people of Selkirk is very important. It is up to all citizens of Selkirk to take responsibility to ensure a clean and healthy environment.

City Standards

The standards set out by the City of Selkirk are that no owner or occupier of property shall permit on such property, and each owner and occupier of property shall keep such property free and clear of: rubbish; graffiti; objects, conditions, substances that present a health, fire or safety hazard; objects, conditions, substances that because of its unsightly condition, is detrimental to the surrounding area; the growth of weeds as defined in The Noxious Weeds Act so that the same is detrimental to the surrounding area; wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperative, discarded, abandoned or unused vehicles, trailers and other machinery or any parts thereof; the storage of household appliances, whether or not the same are capable of operation.

It is recommended that you become familiar with the Dangers to Public Safety By-Law and The Municipal Act before alleging a violation. To review the Danger to Public Safety By-Law please visit: https://www.myselkirk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/5251-Dangers-to-Public-Safety-By-Law-w.pdf