The City offers the Annual Spring Clean-Up service once a year, typically in April or May.
2024 dates are May 6th-10th
During this time, the City of Selkirk Operations Department, in partnership with Waste Connections Inc., will pick up non-hazardous waste. Ensure that you place your items at curbside by 8:00 a.m. on your regular garbage pick-up day.
Remember not to put out garbage before the weekend preceding collection.
Place all Annual Spring Clean-Up refuse at curbside on your regular garbage day.
Please separate tree branches, regular bagged garbage, mattresses, and larger items from each other. Trees and branches must be bundled into 3-foot lengths weighing less than 50 lbs, with tree trunks facing the street.
For fridges, make sure the Freon is removed and the appliances are tagged accordingly; otherwise, they will not be picked up.
There is a limit of four tires per household. Additionally, the following items will not be accepted:
- Demolition waste
- Construction waste
- Electronic waste (such as e-waste and microwaves) Electronic waste can be taken to the Waste Transfer Station.
- Hazardous waste, including paint, used oil, and antifreeze, should be dropped off at the Eco-Centre located at the Waste Transfer Station. Any other hazardous waste, including used paint, can also be taken to the Waste Transfer Station.
- Mattresses will be picked up separately by Mother Earth Recycling.
- No exceptions will be made.
Please note that any refuse or tree branches placed at curbside after your collection day will be picked up by the City of Selkirk, and the homeowner will be charged for the pick-up.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.