Snow and ice clearing is a service provided by the Operations Department to ensure the safe movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
The Snow Clearing Policy establishes a quality standard for snow clearing, snow removal, sanding of streets, lanes and sidewalks and city-owned parking lots with the co-operation of City residents.
The City’s goal is to maintain the streets, lanes, sidewalks and City-owned parking lots in a safe and functional condition, so economic losses to people and business are minimized and emergency vehicles can make it to their destinations safely during winter months. The City’s goal is to provide equitable service to all citizens.
Some streets in Selkirk are part of the provincial highway network and are only cleared by the Province of Manitoba:
- Main Street South (PTH 9A) from Heap Avenue to Manitoba Avenue
- Main Street North (PTH 320) from Manitoba Avenue to the northern City boundary
- Eaton Avenue (PTH 204) from Eveline Street to Main Street
- Manitoba Avenue (PTH 9A) from Main Street to Easton Drive
- Easton Drive (PTH 9A) from Manitoba Avenue to PTH 9
For all other City streets, depending on the magnitude of the storm event, all snow clearing/plowing and removal should be completed within 48 – 72 hours of the conclusion of the storm. The City’s snow clearing efforts are done on a priority street basis, with priority 1 streets being the major north/south streets (Eveline, Jemima, Sophia and Mercy) and the main east/west avenues (Manitoba, McLean, Vaughan, Morris, Strathnaver and Greenwood). Residential streets are plowed last, after the major collector streets are opened up.
Sidewalks are cleared after every snow event in the same priority sequence as streets.
The City of Selkirk wishes to remind the community that vehicles may not be parked on City streets for more than 24 hours at a time. This is especially important during snow removal operations as parked vehicles during this period obstruct the removal of snow from the streets by City staff. While there is no parking ban, we ask that residents that have the ability to park on private property please work with us in doing so, especially during times of snow removal.
Vehicles parked on City streets for a period of over 24 hours are in contravention of the City’s Traffic By-law No. 4868 and the Streets By-law No. 3756 and may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
To prevent already shoveled snow from being plowed back into driveways, we ask that you please pile snow to the right side of your driveway. As the grader moves with the flow of traffic, snow movement will always move towards the right. Piling snow on the left side of your driveway could cause the grader to move it back into driveways.
When will snow clearing/plowing start?
Depending on the magnitude of the storm, snow clearing/plowing usually starts once there is about 3 cm accumulation and continues throughout. In the case of a major storm event, city staff may need to be pulled off the street until the storm has passed.
When will my street or sidewalk be cleared/plowed?
While we are unable to advise residents of an exact timeline as to when their street or sidewalk may be plowed, we ask that our citizens please respect the priority system that has been established to ensure that all major routes are opened first to allow emergency vehicles safe passage.
Does the city clear/plow back lanes?
Except for the few paved backlanes in the downtown area, the city does not clear snow in residential lanes. The paved lanes that are cleared, are done on a last priority basis, once all street clearing has been completed.
Does the city clear/plow windrows at the end of my driveway?
No, as per Selkirk’s snow clearing policy, city staff do not clear windrows which are left at the end of business or residential driveways.
How often does the city sand the streets?
During the winter months, city staff continuously sand intersections and sidewalks as needed to improve traction for vehicles and pedestrians.
Does the city sand the entire street?
The city does not sand the length of entire streets.
Is there a snow dump in Selkirk I can use?
Each winter, the City of Selkirk provides snow removal contractors with a site for hauling snow. The snow dump is located off PTH #4, just north of the PTH #9 intersection and usually remains open 24 x 7 once the season starts.
Can I push the snow from my property onto the street?
Residents are not permitted to pile, plow, throw or push snow from their property or driveway onto a city street, sidewalk or boulevard OR onto a neighbour’s property. Snow from your property is your responsibility and if it is placed elsewhere, you could be responsible for the cost of removal.
Can I run an extension cord to the street to plug in my car?
No. Placing extension cords across any sidewalk can interfere with the city’s snow removal equipment, causing damage to both the equipment as well as extension cords.
Is there a parking ban in the winter?
While there is no winter parking ban, we ask that residents that have the ability to park on private property, please work with us in doing so, especially during times of snow removal. Vehicles may not be parked on city streets for more than 24 hours at a time. This is especially important during snow removal operations as parked vehicles during this period obstruct the removal of snow from the streets by City staff.
The existing Municipal Snow Clearing, Removal and Sanding Policy has been in effect since 1993 and is currently being reviewed and updated.
To answer any questions please review the current City of Selkirk Snow Clearing Policy.