What do I need to do/know if I am selling, buying or renting property in Selkirk?

Submit a Moving form.

  • Do not finalize the purchase until the vendor (seller) or their lawyer pays the final utility invoice.
  • Your lawyer should make sure the final utility invoice is paid before you finalize the purchase.
  • Any unpaid utility charges will be added to the current owners property taxes at the end of December if they remain unpaid.
  • To ensure you are only billed for your consumption, submit your meter reading prior to or on the date of possession.  More on Meter Readings here.
  • The vendor should do this even if the tenant occupied property will remain with the new owner.
  • Any outstanding balances on active or inactive utility accounts at the end of October will be rolled onto the current property owner’s taxes at the end of December. A letter will be sent by mail in November to the property owner and utility account holder advising of the outstanding charges. If the utility charges remain unpaid in December they will be added to the property tax roll.
  • Outstanding utility charges are the responsibility of the property owner and will be transferred to property taxes.
  • If we do not receive information about a new tenant, we will automatically put the utility account in the name of the property owner.
    • If the property owner receives an invoice for charges that should be billed to a tenant, we will adjust the invoice and bill the tenant for up to one billing cycle (i.e. 3 months).
  • If we don’t receive a reading until after the sale, we pro-rate the utility invoice between the former owner and the new owner.

Why do I need to complete a Moving form?

  1. To set up the utility account for new owners/tenants and establish the first meter reading, to ensure you are only billed for your consumption.
  2. To issue a final utility invoice for utility charges for the property seller.

What if a tenant vacates my property without paying the utility invoice?

We first try to recover the money from the tenant:

  • If we have a forwarding address for the tenant, we send the tenant’s final utility invoice to the forwarding address. If we do not have a forwarding address, we send the tenant’s final utility invoice to the service address on file.
  • We DO NOT send notices to the tenant any time there is an outstanding balance, other than the annual letter sent out in November.

As the property owner you are responsible for all unpaid utility charges for your property.

What is the city doing to protect owners against unpaid tenant invoices?

  • We will forward any unpaid invoices to the former tenant’s current address if we become aware of their new address.
  • If a utility invoice remains overdue, a letter is sent to the owner advising that unless the account is paid by a prescribed date, the account will be transferred to the owner’s property taxes (generally sent out in November).
  • The City will not negotiate payment extensions or alternative payment arrangements with tenants. Tenants are responsible for obtaining the owner’s consent for alternate payment arrangements.

What can owners do to protect themselves against unpaid tenant invoices?

  • Ensure that our Utility Clerk is aware of all properties belonging to you where a landlord/tenant relationship exists. You can request to receive copies of your tenant’s utility bills to ensure they are being paid.
  • Make sure you include in your TENANCY AGREEMENT that  your tenant(s) are required to pay their water and wastewater bills, and that they are responsible for providing meter readings when requested to do so.
  • Contact our CitizenSupport periodically to learn about the status of your tenant(s) accounts.

What is a meter security deposit?

  • Every new utility account will pay a meter security deposit which is equal to the quarterly minimum charge based on the water meter size as shown in PUB Order No. 95/23. (Please note utility rates have changed effective October 1, 2023). All deposits are held, without interest, until the utility account is closed. This deposit is refunded, less any outstanding charges, when the utility account is closed.

Why did I receive a notice to book a meter inspection with my utility bill?

  • The City will send out notices with your utility bill if we have not been able to get a water meter reading or if we suspect that your water meter has stopped recording consumption. You are required to contact CitizenSupport to set up a meter inspection appointment so that we can repair/replace your water meter.

How do I know if I’ve received an estimated invoice?

To avoid estimated bills and ensure you only pay for the water you use, check your utility bills regularly for the meter reading type under the section labelled “Meter Reading and Usage Details this bill” found on the top right hand side or your utility bill.

What do I do if I receive an estimated invoice?

In the event that you receive an estimated invoice you are required to contact the City to arrange for a meter inspection. The City estimate’s utility accounts if a meter reading cannot be obtained at the service address during the quarterly reading process. Utility invoices will be estimated based on the utility account holders average previous consumption.

To arrange for a meter inspection please contact CitizenSupport directly at 204-785-4900 and provide us with the following information:

  • Utility account number
  • Service address
  • Utility Account holder name
  • Contact information (phone number)

OR submit a CitizenSupport ticket (Category: Water Billing). After receiving the CitizenSupport ticket we will contact you to schedule a meter inspection.

Please note: Before any adjustments are made in relation to receiving an estimated invoice, a meter inspection will be required.

Why have I been charged a quarterly utility bill when my home is vacant?

  • When hooked up to City water and/or wastewater services a quarterly minimum charge is issued based on the water meter size whether consumption is used or not. To avoid quarterly minimum utility billing you can request for your services to be cut out at the street and the water meter to be removed from your property. The City will then final and close your utility account to avoid future billing. Should you decide at a later date to re-connect to City water and/or wastewater services, a new water meter purchase is required and a $25.00 cut in fee and meter security deposit will be invoiced.