We believe that respect is the foundation of a harmonious environment and that staff members and Citizens deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness. Our standards are detailed below:

Short Version

When interacting with the City of Selkirk on social media, digital platforms, phone, email, or in person, always maintain a respectful tone that reflects well on you. Let your communication be something your grandparents would be proud of.

Longer, more stuffy and bureaucratic, Version

The City of Selkirk employs various communication channels, including social media, digital platforms (website & app), phone, email, and in-person interactions, to engage with citizens and to share and receive vital information. We are committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive environment for citizens and staff.  

In line with our dedication to a respectful environment for all, we retain the right, at our discretion, to moderate, remove content or refuse service if you:

  • Are violent, obscene, profane, hateful, or use discriminatory language or content.
  • Use defamatory, threatening, or harassing comments towards individuals or our organization or partners. 
  • Share false information or malicious claims about any entity or individual.
  • Share unauthorized solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements without prior approval.
  • Express political support or opposition.
  • Encourage illegal activities or infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • Repeat or duplicate emails, posts, voicemails, etc… by single or multiple users.
  • Disclose private, identifiable information intended for harm or harassment.
  • Deliberately attempt to degrade individuals or entities, creating an unsafe environment for discourse.
  • We have zero tolerance for bullying, threats, or any form of disrespectful behavior.

The City of Selkirk reserves the right to block, restrict access or refuse service to anyone that violates these communication standards.

Additionally, please note that administrative staff oversee our social media and online presence; elected officials do not manage these accounts. Political inquiries will not receive responses, and we may remove the content if it violates our standards.

Requests for information via social media are not considered formal; official channels should be used for verification and compliance purposes.