Image of a phone next to the text "My Services. My City." with the text "MySelkirk Connect" on the phone

Services when you need it,
news when you want it.

Our new MySelkirkConnect app allows you to send your questions, comments or concerns directly to our CitizenSupport representatives, find the answers to your questions and stay connected to the latest news about your city all in one convenient place.

Image of three phones with screens from the MySelkirk Connect App.
Image of the Logo of a person talking with the text "CitizenVoice". The logo is from the Myselkirk Connect app.

Talk to a real-life person. Report your concerns and get answers to your questions. They’ll get your request and respond as soon as they can.

Logo with the image of a headset and the text "CitizenSupport"

Need to talk to someone right away? Our CitizenSupport team are always available during work hours. After hours questions are answered ASAP.

Logo of a phone with the text "Call Us".

Talk to a real-life person. Report your concerns and get answers to your questions. They’ll get your request and respond as soon as they can.

Logo of a newspaper with the text "Latest News"

Never miss a news story. With push notifications turned on, you can get all the latest news and emergency alerts we send out.

Logo showing the world with a mouse cursor over top with the text ""

Need a quick answer to your question? Our website is full of information so you can find your answer as fast as possible.

Logo showing a catfish with a headset with the text "Ask Chuck"

Chuck is taking a part-time job helping Selkirk citizens. Once he’s trained, he’ll be able to help.

After download head to settings to opt in to receive the latest news, infrastructure updates and CitizenVoice Surveys.