The City of Selkirk is pleased to be recognized a designated Fair Trade Workplace.
When a FAIR TRADE WORKPLACE is designated, it supports fairer conditions and better prices for people in the Global South who grow and make our products: whether it’s the coffee we drink, the cocoa in our chocolate, or the cotton in our t-shirts.
The Fair Trade Workplace designation is awarded to workplaces that meet three key requirements:
- A steering committee composed of a combination of staff and management, that will meet regularly.
- There must be three Fairtrade certified products available for both staff and visitors.
- The workplace must create visibility and awareness for its fair trade commitment by making informational material available to staff and visitors.
The City was honored to be recognized as Fair Trade Workplace of the Year in 2016 and Fair Trade Town of the Year in 2017.
Why do we choose to become a Fair Trade Workplace?
We offer these products because improving the quality of life of all of our citizens is our core mission. This small change in our practices can help dramatically improve the lives of our global citizens. We choose to think globally and act locally. As dedicated public servants, we choose to be part of the solution.
What fair trade products does the City of Selkirk use?
Like many workplaces, the City of Selkirk has long offered coffee to its employees. We now exclusively offer Fair Trade certified coffee, tea and sugar in our workplaces for our employees and the employees of the many co-located organizations and agencies that operate in our buildings.
Interested in becoming a Fair Trade Workplace?
Learn more about the designation and requirements at Fair Trade Workplaces.
Shop Fair Trade in Selkirk
Shop the City of Selkirk’s Online Store! We offer a variety of fair trade products from soccer balls to tote bags.
Click here to learn more about other Fair Trade products available in Selkirk.