Woman shown smiling in historical costume as a crowd in front of her smiles on a Selkirk Comes Alive interactive tour.

Selkirk Comes Alive is an interactive tour with featured historical figures that have had a lasting impact on the evolution of Selkirk. Actors play real life residents and share how that individual helped shaped the community. Organized in partnership with the Selkirk Heritage Advisory Committee, this event aims to provide an authentic experience that honors these figures in a memorable, educational, and enjoyable way for the entire community.

Check back here for 2024 event information. 

Wanted to read more about Selkirk’s history? Check out the Selkirk Museum! https://selkirkmuseum.ca/

Selkirk Comes Alive 2022 Press Release: https://www.myselkirk.ca/blog/2022/09/13/culture-days-returns-for-a-weekend-of-fun-and-learning/

Selkirk Comes Alive 2021 Press Release: https://www.myselkirk.ca/blog/2021/09/17/looking-for-some-culture-you-can-find-it-at-selkirks-first-culture-days-sept-24-26/