Program Policies & Agreements
Please read this information. It directly impacts your participation in recreational programming organized by the City of Selkirk. These policies include program refunds, media release, and informed consent. If you have any questions, please contact Citizen Support.
Informed Consent
When you register for City of Selkirk programs, you accept the inherent risks in sports and recreation activities. Participants agree to the following:
- Self-Screening: You agree to self-screen before attending the program. If you experience cold, flu, or other illness symptoms, stay home. This keeps our staff and participants safe and healthy.
- Acknowledgement of Risks: You accept the inherent risks of injury in sports and recreational activities. These injuries can be minor or serious and may result from actions, inactions, or a combination of both.
- Adherence to Rules: You agree to follow rules and regulations designed for participant safety and protection.
- Fitness Requirements: You understand that certain activities require a minimum level of fitness and health (physical, mental, and emotional). Each person has a different capacity for participating in these activities.
- Field Trips Consent: You agree to allow your child to participate in off-campus field trips, which may involve public transportation.
- Liability Waiver: You agree that the City of Selkirk and its employees are not liable for any injury or damage to personal property resulting from participation unless caused solely by the City’s negligence.
- Agreement Acknowledgement: You confirm that you have read and understood the Informed Consent Agreement in its entirety and consent to participate, acknowledging all the foregoing.
Program Refunds
Please take note of the program’s start date, time, and location. You will receive communication only if the course is canceled or if there are changes to program details.
- Course Cancellation: For courses canceled due to insufficient enrollment, you will receive an email notification and a full refund.
- City Cancellations: The City of Selkirk will issue a full refund for any canceled program. Participants will receive email notifications if any program changes or cancellations occur.
- Registrant Withdrawals: If you withdraw from a program five or more business days before its start, you will receive a full refund, minus a $15.75 administration fee. Refund requests after this period are at the discretion of the Director of Culture, Recreation, and Green Transportation and must be in writing via email.
- NSF Check Fee: A $40.00 fee will be charged for NSF checks.
- Class Dismissal: No refunds will be issued for participants asked to leave a class or program.
- Class Cancellations: Individual classes may be canceled due to uncontrollable circumstances, like inclement weather. Makeup classes will be offered if possible but are not guaranteed.
Photo & Media Release
During programs, we may take photographs or videos for media or advertising purposes for the City of Selkirk. As part of registration, participants will be asked for consent to this statement; however, participants can choose to consent or not.
Camp Awesome & Program Participant Behaviour Agreement
We aim for all participants to have a fun and memorable experience at our programs and camps. Occasionally, participant behavior may negatively impact others. In severe cases, the participant may be asked to leave the program. Participants may be sent home for the day, week, or remainder of the program, depending on the behavior.
We believe in giving participants chances, applying reasonable consequences (such as missing part of an activity or cooling down), and developing behavior plans with parents/guardians when applicable. Serious events will prompt an immediate call for the child to be picked up and possible further suspension, depending on the severity. Here are examples of behaviors categorized as mild, moderate, and serious. If you have questions, please contact the Day Camp Supervisor.
Mild to Moderate Behaviors:
- Not listening or disrespecting Program Leaders/Supervisors.
- Disrespecting other campers, including bullying, name-calling, or arguing.
- Swearing or using offensive language.
- Purposefully distracting others during activities.
Actions Taken:
- Your child will receive 1-3 warnings. After the third warning, we will document the behavior and hold a conversation with the parent/guardian at pick-up. We must create a behavior plan before the participant returns. However, if the behavior continues, we will remove the participant from the program.
Severe Behaviors:
- Any act of violence.
- Any form of threats towards other campers or Program Leaders/Supervisors.
- Continuation of mild-moderate behaviors after a conversation and behavior action plan have not been effective.
- Theft.
- Running away from Leaders/Supervisors during the program or on field trips.
Actions Taken:
- The child must be picked up immediately following a call from the Program Supervisor or Program Coordinator to the parent/guardian. Additionally, depending on the severity, the child may not return for the next day/class or the remainder of the session.