children splashing around and playing in the Selkirk Park Pool

You may have a lot of questions and we’re here to answer all of them. We hope that the answers we provide to the following FAQs offer all of the information you need in preparation for swimming lessons. Learn more about our swimming lessons, including level descriptions, and the 2024 swim lesson schedule by checking out our 2024 Swim Lesson Guide, found at the link below.

What to Bring to Lessons

All swimming participants must bring the following items with them:

  • Bathing suit, towel, sandals/flip flops
  • Goggles if preferred for distance swimming (some skills require participants do them without goggles)
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle with name on it
  • Hair tie to keep hair out of eyes/face

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Some classes are offered together, does this mean my child will pass both levels? Example: Swimmer 3/4

No, your child should not be expected to pass both levels just because they are offered together. While this may happen in some rare cases, this is not a typical progression that occurs over one set of lessons. Each level has its own unique learning outcomes and swimmers progress best when they learn and can preform the skills in each level before advancing to the next.

These classes are offering simultaneously, as the skills progressions advance well together and allows us to offer more swimming times for each level.

Q2: Is there Funding Assistance to help cover the cost of swim lessons?

Yes! Both Jumpstart and Kids Sport Manitoba offer funding assistance for families.

To be eligible for funding for one or more children, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart. Visit their websites to apply online.

If you have questions about the application or need assistance with securing funding, do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] 

Q3: Can I request my child’s lessons to be taught by his or her favorite teacher?

We do not accept these types of requests. Our instructor schedules change constantly to meet our programs’ needs. However, all our instructors undergo thorough hiring processes and extensive training. They also complete nationally recognized certification programs. You can trust they are fun, patient, and qualified to ensure swimmer safety.

Q4: What if my child’s group class only has one or two students registered?

We require a minimum of 3 students to run each class. If a class lacks 3 participants 10 days before starting, we will contact you. We will work with you to find an alternative time for the lessons. We aim to ensure all students interact with other swimmers, fostering socialization and growth.

Q5: Do you offer make-ups for missed swim lessons?

We do not cancel swim lessons once the session starts, unless the City of Selkirk cancels a class due to extenuating circumstances. In such cases, we provide a prorated refund, a makeup class, or an alternate session. Ill swimmers should stay home for their health and others’. Non-attendance does not entitle you to a refund or makeup class. We do not arrange make-up classes for personal circumstances. Choose class times that fit your schedule. With a medical note, we will find an alternate session or provide a refund minus the admin fee.

Q6: During registration, it stated that all children under 12 require a parent/guardian to be present and at the facility during their swim lessons. Why and can I swim during this time?

We implement this rule to prioritize swimmer safety during lessons. If your child needs help, the instructor may ask for parent/guardian assistance. Entry for lessons does not allow public swimming access. The parent/guardian should be present and watching their child’s lessons. Watching your child’s progress is encouraged. Child-care for other siblings may not be available. Swimming lessons and public swimming occur in different areas. Proper supervision is required for children under 12. Parents should bring toys for children to play with near the parent/guardian. If participating in public swimming before or after lessons, regular admission rates apply.

Q7: If it’s raining/thundering, are my swim lessons cancelled?

We occasionally deal with rain or storms due to being an outdoor pool. Lessons are not canceled for poor weather unless there is extreme weather like a tornado. Lessons may run during rain only. Thunder or lightning prevents water activities, but instructors will work on pool safety and dry-land skills. We may relocate lessons indoors to the Ag Building inside Selkirk Park. Lessons are not rescheduled or refunded due to weather.

Q8: How early should we show up for swim lessons?

It is important to be on the pool deck and ready to go 5 minutes before your class time. Children can get anxious if hurried. Please allow plenty of time before class to get dressed, use the restroom, etc.

Q9: Swimming Accessories: Can my child wear goggles, a swim cap, etc.?

Swim Caps – If your child is prone to chill, a swim cap may help. We welcome and encourage this. For swimmers with long hair, we request that it be tied back and away from the face with an elastic to prevent interference with learning to breathe.

Goggles – For the beginner swimmer, goggles can present a false sense of safety. If your swimmer feels that they need goggles, they may bring them however, for safety reasons a portion of the lessons will be spent encouraging participants to be comfortable without goggles. Some skills also require that participants not wear goggles to perform them.

Water-proof diapers are mandatory for children who are not yet bathroom trained.

Q10: Is there a bathroom to use?

We encourage all participants to arrive early enough to use the restroom before class begins. We also encourage swimmers come to their lesson changed and in their swim suit.

For all participants who are not potty trained, we require the use of a swim diaper in the pool.

Q11: Why does my child work on the same thing every class?

Repetition is the key to learning for most young children. Repeating games and skills give children something to look forward to. Swim Lesson participants also feel a greater sense of success by mastering a skill they have been replicating.

Q12: What do I do if my child is crying or won’t get in the water?

Remember every child develops differently – please be patient, consistent, and encouraging. It is natural for beginner swimmers to get upset and even cry, please allow your child to work through the anxiety of separation and a new environment.

We ask that you trust our staff in helping your child overcome their fear. We encourage apprehensive children to continue attending swim lessons in that they may actually regress if they do not actively participate in the class. The more often your child is active in the water, the less of a chance they have of developing an irreversible fear of swimming. Please understand that if your child continues to have difficulty adjusting to swimming lessons, we may ask that you step out of sight so they can build a relationship with their instructor.

Q13: I have some concerns about my child’s swim lessons, who do I talk to?

If you have any concerns with a class, participant or instructor, we encourage you to please talk to the instructor first. We ask that you kindly speak to them before or after the lessons.

Should the situation be more serious, or you do not feel comfortable reaching out to the instructor directly, you may approach one of our pool supervisors. We have one head supervisor and four head guards at the pool and at least one of the five will also be at the facility during operating hours.

Q14: How do I know if my child is passing or failing their level?

Instructors are taught to provide continuous constructive feedback throughout all the levels. This allows students to know immediately what they need to work on and what they are doing well. We do not have a specific “test day” as participants are continually evaluated throughout the entire course. (Exclusion to this is our leadership courses that have specific exams).

If you have questions about where your child is at or would like to know what they could work on, we encourage you to speak to your child’s instructor. They would be happy to provide with some tips, tricks and feedback.

Q15: Progress Reports

We are excited to announce that starting June 25, 2024 the Selkirk Park Pool & Splash Pad Swimmer Progress Reports are now going virtual – no more lost or wet report cards!
To access your/your swimmer’s progress report, please visit:

To view the progress report, you will need to enter a unique Participant Number. All swimmer’s have been given a Participant Number, using the following parameters:
• First two letter of the swimmer’s first name. (First letter of first name is capitalized)
• Full last name of the swimmer’s last name. (First letter of last name is capitalized)
• Year of Birth

It is not unusual for a swimmer to need to repeat a level more than once because swimming is progressive. All skills must be achieved for a given level before a child can progress to the next level.

Q16: Am I allowed to take videos, picture, post to social media, etc while at the pool?

You may take photos and/or videos while at our facility. However, we ask that you ensure no other swimmers/persons are in the photo or video. This is to ensure the privacy of others that may be at the pool. In some circumstances, staff may ask you not to take photos/videos. All pool staff have the right ask you to stop or delete any photos/videos.

If you do post a photo to social media of you enjoying your time at the pool, be sure to tag the City of Selkirk in your posts!