Two older adults walking in the park. Selkirk Age friendly logo found on the right hand side of the image.

 About Selkirk Age Friendly

Selkirk Age Friendly actively promotes greater independence, activity, and health for older adults and all community members. Our initiatives aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment where seniors can thrive. The Age Friendly committee for The City of Selkirk is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including health and wellness, recreation, transportation, housing, safety, and senior services. This diverse expertise allows us to address the varied needs of our senior population effectively.


We are committed to improving transportation options for seniors. This includes ensuring that public transportation is accessible and reliable, and exploring new initiatives like senior-friendly shuttle services. By enhancing transportation, we help seniors maintain their independence and stay connected to the community.

Outdoor Spaces & Buildings

Creating and maintaining accessible outdoor spaces and buildings is another top priority. We are working on making public areas, parks, and facilities more senior-friendly. This includes installing ramps, ensuring smooth walkways, and providing ample seating. These improvements help make Selkirk a safer and more enjoyable place for older adults.

Social Inclusion & Respect

Social inclusion and respect are fundamental to our mission. Selkirk Age Friendly organizes various social events, volunteer opportunities, and community programs that foster interaction and respect among all age groups. We believe that by p

To learn more about Age Friendly across Manitoba, visit Age Friendly Manitoba

Upcoming Events

Click on the event title below to read more about upcoming events.

Past Projects & Initiatives

Read more about past projects and initiatives from the Selkirk Age Friendly Committee by clicking on the project titles listed below.


The Age Friendly Committee meets on a monthly basis. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact Citizen Support for more details.