aerial of a city

Zoning By-Law Amendment/Rezoning

The Zoning By-Law establishes specific regulations for how land can be used and developed. A Zoning By-Law Amendment, or Rezoning, modifies the By-Law by adding, altering, or deleting parts of it. These amendments can impact the text of the By-Law, the zoning map, or both. The scope of the amendment can vary, affecting either an individual property or the entire City.

Documentation and Fee Requirements


The time required to obtain final approval of an application may vary from 4 (four) to 18 (eighteen) months. This depends on the scope of the proposal and the number and type of conditions.

Public Hearing

The process to adopt a zoning by-law amendment requires a public hearing. The public hearing allows the applicant and any member of the general public to comment on the application before Council makes its decision.

We highly encourage the applicant to attend the public hearing.The applicant should prepare to present details of their application and answer any questions.

Second Objections

If 25 or more eligible persons, or 50% of the total number of property owners within 100 meters of the affected property, object to a zoning by-law amendment, Council may proceed with the second reading. Should Council proceed with the second reading, it must send a notice of the second reading to all objectors and provide them the opportunity to file a second written objection with CitizenSupport.

When a sufficient number of second objections are received—25 or more eligible persons or 50% of the total number of property owners within 100 meters of the affected property—Council must refer the zoning by-law amendment to the Manitoba Municipal Board. The Board will then hold a public hearing to determine whether to uphold the objections.

If Council does not receive enough objections, it may give the by-law Third Reading without further notice.

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